Wednesday, 3 August 2011

People; Friend, hm?

Its okay when your in young, and in primary school and in your first few years of high school, when everything is so carefree, and the only thing on your mind is having fun with your friends. But then there comes a time when you get a bit older, and a bit wiser, when you realize that apart from getting coursework in on time, and getting the bus on time, there's yet another problem. That's the time you realize that these people you've called your 'friends' all these years, aren't actually your friends at all.
  Yeah, sure, they sat next to you in a class or two, or spoke to you at school, but is that really friendship? Usually your just friends with them because they are the only people in your year, so you don't have that much of an option, your forced together like chickens in a coop. But after time, you start to notice a million things that really bug you about these 'friends'. Things you've never noticed because you've been with them all through primary because they're the only people you know. They turn out to be a horrible person, or turn out to not be the person you thought they were. They take other friends off you, or accuse you of 'stealing' friends off them, they say you want to push them out of the 'group', or that they want you out of the 'group', they say that your never there for them, say that you laugh at them, or they might start to laugh at you, they might not actually do anything for you apart from be your 'friend' when it suits them.
  Say you started off with 30 friends. at the end of the day, i bet you'll end up with about 3, 4 or 5 if your lucky, that are actually your friends. They're the ones that have been there from day 1 and have never left your side since, unlike all the others. Its like a bag of revels. When you first buy them and you open the bag, they're all covered in chocolate and all look the same, and nice. But then if you ate them all there only turns out to be a few that you actually like.

Then these few friends your left with, have a garuntee. Your so close, and never argue, so you never lose touch and hate to be apart. Every second you spend with them, you'll treasure, and the other imposters are sat in the dirt while you carry on in your life with people who'll always stand by you and you'll always stand by them. When you look back on them, all the memories you had with the others are fake. Fraud. Worthless.

There just comes a time in life where you stop putting up with all there crap because you suddenly remember, you don't have to put up with it anymore, because you've got real friends, and its there loss. Don't feel guilty, that they've been your friend for two years or whatever, its the ones that are gonna be your friends forever that count.

Yours Sincerely,
Girl In The Green Scarf.

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